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PS Audio Model Two C Plus

I sold or gave away this PS Audio power amplifier to a friend many years ago. He was happily using it until I decided it was time to replace the electrolytics. I was also very curious to see what the circuit looks like, and hopefully understand why this amp sounded the way that it did.

I think this may be PS Audio's third amplifier, preceded by the Model One and Model Two. My guess is that the Model Two C Plus is the "dual mono" version of the Model Two C, having two rectifiers and two more filter caps over the non-plus version. This is a somewhat rare amplifier and when I contacted PS Audio years ago, they did not have a schematic (but they did kindly give a schematic for the 200C amplifier). Since I am not aware of the existence of any schematics, I will make some and hope they will be of use.

PS Audio Model Two C Plus Schematics

This amplifier's bias, offset, and regulated input voltages had drifted and changed considerably. I made some guesses and settled on +/- 37.5V from the input regulators, and around 70ma bias current for the output stages. The heatsinks are just warm to the touch.

This is The Electronic Peasant's DIY amplifier schematic based on the PS Audio Model 2 and is very similar to the original. Had I known this existed, I may not have bothered drawing the Two C Plus :-)

More PS Audio Model Two C Plus pictures
High resolution detail images showing wiring, construction, parts, etc.